Me and my lil guys dancing during the Mother/Son dance

Me and my lil guys dancing during the Mother/Son dance

Some of my favorite things......

  • Making new friends via my blog that I would not have been lucky enough to meet otherwise!! Thank you so much for reading what I have to say and for letting me get to know you!:0)
  • Being a wife to hubby and mommy to my boys and our dogs.I am truly blessed and I thank God at least a million times a day for my blessings.:0)
  • Teaching my children and in the process learning so much myself.:0)
  • Relaxing in a bubble bath at the end of the day once the house is asleep...Nirvana!
  • Shopping at Thrift stores and yard sales..I just can't stand to pay full price for anything.I'm like 3rd generation bargain finder and I have turned my sons into little bargain finders too at their young ages*snicker*My friend Nicole recently taught them how to haggle at a local flea market and oh she is shameless with her tactics but they worked and my boys felt so proud that they received there toys and books at such a discount so NOW they are hooked!lol
  • Making people laugh..laughs and smiles are contagious..I love passing them around..
  • Hearing my boys laugh!!!
  • Reading to my boys every night..I have only missed one day since before they were born(started reading to both while I was pregnant with them) and that was one of the days I was in the hospital before I was diagnosed with Chrons. Our reading time is SO important to me and it calms me after a long day!
  • Milk chocolate..I think it should have it's own food group..hee!hee!
  • The smell after it rains..everything is so fresh like God washed it all clean!:0)
  • Hugs from my sons and hubby..nothing better then hugs.I am a BIG hugger!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm stressed and need to hang out with the girls on Wisteria Lane for a!

Okay I think it is time for me to call it a night! I just went back to look at my original blog to check out all my friends postings and guess what? My whole blog was wiped out! I have no idea what is going on with google today but I am NOT happy! I think my bed is calling me!So I lost all my friends,blogs,comments etc *sigh*.Well nothing to do about it now but WHY is it happening? First google says there is no google account with that email so I had to make another blog today hence the new blog...Then the old one comes back as a 2nd blog and everything is fine untill I go to click on it tonight and find the whole blog is wiped out with the exception of my"about me" section" which I had actually put on my newest blog..hmmm!

Something is squirly! I think I need to chillax on my heating pad cuddle with hubby while sipping a cup of tea and watching season 3 of Desperate housewives(I bought all of the first 4'm hooked and I don't even watch t.v but I kept being told I looked like Edie so I had to check it out. I don't see it myself but LOVE the show! Hubby finds it hilarious that I love the show because I am SO anti-drama but guess we all have to have some fluff in our life and that is! Yeah I feel better already just thinking about chillaxin and hanging with the girls on wisteria lane for a bit(another term he laughs at)! Hope everyones having a great night! Take care and God Bless!

What a wonderful day....

Today was Such a great day but I wish I had gotten alot more checked off my to do list! But I did the important things...time spent with my boys,teaching,our nightly bike ride,time with hubby watching one of his fav shows.:0)

Sometimes though we all want to be super mommy,super wifey,super woman and same for those hubby and daddys we have to realize that though our check list may still be half full the hearts of those we touch every day with our love and quality time spent with them are completly full. THAT is the stuff memories are made of after all.

I don't think my boys are going to remember me for the fact the laundry was always done or the kitchen floor sparkled all the time but you can bet they will remember the bike rides, the board games, the cuddle and reading time we spend together.:0)

Theres nothing wrong with us all striveing to be better people and wanting to cross off more things on our"to do list"as long as we remember in someone eyes we are already pretty darn Amazing! *Big smile* Just a lil thought for the day.

Hugs to all the ......Mommys,Daddys,Sons,Daughters,Wifeys ,Hubbys,Grandmas,Grandpas,Aunts,Uncles,Brothers,Sisters, and anyone else I might have forgotten who have learned that Quality time with those you love is what IT is all about!*Big smile*

I really want to hear your thoughts on this....How do you find balance in your life or do you struggle with this every day? Please share your ideas,what helps keeps you focused and balanced etc...